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Top Doctors in East Side Antalya

Ärzte24™ Network RTHS*

Top Doctors in East Side Antalya

Antalya DOCGO™ Mobile Urgent Care

Hotel & Home visit Doctor: A general check-up to assess overall health. This could include things like vital signs, physical exams, and basic lab tests.

General practitioner care: Primary healthcare services provided by a general practitioner (GP) or family doctor, including routine check-ups, diagnosis and treatment of common illnesses, and referrals to specialists.

Emergency Transport: In critical situations requiring immediate medical attention, our emergency transport service ensures rapid and safe transfer to the nearest appropriate medical facility.

Non-Emergency Transport: For non-urgent medical appointments, procedures, or transfers between facilities, we offer reliable non-emergency transport services. 

Specialist Examination: Access to specialized medical expertise is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. We facilitate access to a network of experienced specialists across various medical disciplines. Whether you require a consultation, examination, or specialized procedure, we can help connect you with the right specialist to address your specific healthcare needs.

Diagnostic Imaging: Accurate diagnosis often relies on advanced imaging techniques. We provide access to a range of diagnostic imaging services, including X-ray, ultrasound, CT scans, and MRI.

Laboratory Testing: Laboratory tests play a vital role in diagnosing and monitoring various health conditions. We offer a comprehensive range of laboratory testing services, from routine blood tests to specialized diagnostic assays.

Antalya DOCGO™ Mobile Urgent Care

H. Hakan Yaşpala,MD

On-Call Doctor

+90 535 345 34 98

Top Doctors in East Side Antalya

| Doctor Service West coast Antalya |  Doctor Service East Coast Antalya | Antalya Rivieras Doctor | Antalya coasts Doctors | Doctor Antalya | Arzt Antalya | Lekarz Antalya | Dokter Antalya | Doctor | Arzt | Kliniker | Hausarzt | Mediziner | Facharzt | Physician | Hospital | Doctor Clinic | English speaking doctor | Medical center | Consultant | Practitioner | Hotel doctor | Hotelarzt | On-call doctor | GP | Specialist | Consultant | Surgeon | Krankenhaus |  Deutschsprachiger Arzt |
24/7 On-Call Doctor in Antalya | 24 Hour Doctor Antalya | Emergency Doctor Antalya | Antalya Emergency Doctor | Antalya 24/7 Doctor | Antalya On-Call Physician | Antalya Emergency Medical Service | 24/7 Medical Assistance Antalya | Emergency Medical Care Antalya | Urgent Care Antalya | After Hours Doctor Antalya | Weekend Doctor Antalya | Holiday Doctor Antalya | Night Doctor Antalya

Our Services

Top Doctors in East Side Antalya

Find a Specialist Doctors in Antalya

Top Doctors in East Side Antalya

Gesundheit und Hygiene im Hotel

Zimmerreinigung: Überprüfen Sie beim Betreten Ihres Zimmers besonders häufig berührte Oberflächen (Türgriffe, Lichtschalter, Fernbedienungen, Telefone, Wasserhähne, Toilette und Dusche). Bei Bedarf können Sie diese Oberflächen mit Desinfektionstüchern oder -sprays reinigen, die Sie mitgebracht haben.

Bett und Kissen: Vergewissern Sie sich, dass saubere Bettwäsche und Kissenbezüge verwendet wurden. Wenn Sie Allergien haben, können Sie das Hotel im Voraus kontaktieren und allergikerfreundliche Bettwäsche anfordern.

Badezimmerhygiene: Bringen Sie Ihre eigenen Hygieneartikel (Seife, Shampoo, Duschgel usw.) mit oder bevorzugen Sie die vom Hotel bereitgestellten Einwegprodukte. Das Tragen von Hausschuhen trägt zum Schutz Ihrer Fußgesundheit bei.

Alternative Presentation (Focus on Actions).

Gesund und hygienisch im Hotel – So geht's.

Oberflächen checken: Untersuchen Sie direkt nach Ankunft stark frequentierte Stellen wie Türklinken, Lichtschalter, Fernbedienung, Telefon, Wasserhähne, WC und Dusche.

Selbst desinfizieren (optional): Mitgebrachte Desinfektionstücher oder -sprays sorgen für zusätzliche Sicherheit.

Bettwäsche prüfen: Achten Sie auf frische Bettwäsche und Kissenbezüge.

Allergien melden: Informieren Sie das Hotel vorab über eventuelle Allergien, um passende Bettwäsche zu erhalten.

Travel health advice for Central Antalya.
We provide 7/24 primary healthcare services in all hotels and coastal destinations across Turkey. We dispatch the nearest available doctor to the patient's location, whether it's their hotel or another residence, for examination. For more serious medical conditions, we arrange transfers to appropriate hospitals or clinics. Our 24/7 services include ambulances and patient transport vehicles. Overcoming geographical barriers, our telemedicine service enables us to provide fast and effective solutions, including e-prescriptions, ensuring patients can begin treatment with medication as quickly as possible. We also facilitate advanced examinations and treatments (including X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, surgery, etc.) for international patients visiting Turkey as tourists or travelers.

Rixos Sungate - The Land Of Legends Erişimi, Beldibi, Kemer/Antalya, Türkiye

Diarrhea | Anxiety | Depression | Insomnia | Stress Management | Headaches | Motion Sickness | Smoking Cessation | Birth Control Refills | Medication Refills
| Doctor Service West coast Antalya |  Doctor Service East Coast Antalya | Antalya Rivieras Doctor | Antalya coasts Doctors | Doctor Antalya | Arzt Antalya | Lekarz Antalya | Dokter Antalya | Doctor | Arzt | Kliniker | Hausarzt | Mediziner | Facharzt | Physician | Hospital | Doctor Clinic | English speaking doctor | Medical center | Consultant | Practitioner | Hotel doctor | Hotelarzt | On-call doctor | GP | Specialist | Consultant | Surgeon | Krankenhaus |  Deutschsprachiger Arzt |

+90 535 345 34 98

24/7 On-Call Doctor in Antalya | 24 Hour Doctor Antalya | Emergency Doctor Antalya | Antalya Emergency Doctor | Antalya 24/7 Doctor | Antalya On-Call Physician | Antalya Emergency Medical Service | 24/7 Medical Assistance Antalya | Emergency Medical Care Antalya | Urgent Care Antalya | After Hours Doctor Antalya | Weekend Doctor Antalya | Holiday Doctor Antalya | Night Doctor Antalya

Rixos Sungate - The Land Of Legends Erişimi, Beldibi, Kemer/Antalya, Türkiye

Antalya, Arzt, Doctor, Mediziner, Kliniker, Specialist, Facharzt

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Use your real name to ensure proper care. Your details are shared only with the doctor you choose to book with.

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